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Candice Behrmann Tenney

DMA Flute Performance, minor in Music Theory, 2010
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Major Teacher: Dr. John Bailey
Dissertation Title: "A stylistic analysis of three works by David Froom: Circling for
Flute and Clarinet, To Dance to the Whistling Wind for solo flute, and Lightscapes for Flute and Piano."
MM Flute Performance, 2007
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Major Teacher: Dr. John Bailey
BME Instrumental Music Education, 2005
University of Utah
Major Teacher: Susan Goodfellow
K-12 Certification
Adjunct Flute Professor - Dixie State University, 2011 - Present
Courses Taught
Applied Lessons for Majors
Applied Lessons for Non-Majors
Chamber Music: Flute Choir
Music Theory
Aural Skills
Senior Recital
Adjunct Flute Professor - Doane College, 2007 - 2011
Courses Taught
Applied Flute Lessons for Majors
Applied Flute Lessons for Non-Majors
Graduate Teaching Assistant - University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2008-2010
Courses Taught
Woodwind Methods
Applied Lessons for Non-Majors
Flute Choir
Chamber Music Coach
Applied Flute Lessons for Majors (Graduate and Undergraduate)
When Dr. John Bailey was out of town
Adjunct Flute Professor - Concordia College, 2008-2009
Courses Taught
Applied Lessons for Majors
Senior Recital and Senior Project
Woodwind Specialist - Del Sol Academy of the Performing Arts, 2018-Present
Title I Instructional Aid: Teach AP Music Theory, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone,
Oboe, Bassoon, Chamber Music: Woodwind Quintet, Saxophone Quartet, Clarinet
Choir, Flute Choir
Student Teaching - Syracuse Jr. High School, 2005
Responsibilities: Created and Executed Daily Lesson Plans, Conducted and Taught Large and Small Ensembles in Class and in Concert. Taught Beginning
Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion, and Jazz Band.
Clinics Taught
Tonaquint Middle School, 2013-2021
Thurman White Academy of the Performing Arts, 2017-2021
KO Knudsen Middle School, 2018-2021
Cannon Middle School, 2018-2021
Snow Canyon Middle School, 2016-2021
Snow Canyon High School, 2015-2021
Courtney Middle School, 2018-2020
Del Sol Academy of the Performing Arts, 2017
Pine View High School, 2014-2016
Desert Hills High School, 2014-2016
Tuachan High School of the Performing Arts, 2012-2014
Hurricane High School 2012
Sunrise Ridge Intermediate School 2012
Private Flute Studio - Las Vegas, NV; St. George, UT; Lincoln, NE; Salt Lake City, UT 2001-Present
Family Music - Piano and Woodwinds (Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Piano) - Las Vegas, NV,
The Music Store - Flute Instructor - St. George, UT, 2011-2018
Harris School of Music - Flute and Theory Instructor - Lincoln, NE, 2008-2010
Crescent School of Music - Flute Instructor, Sandy City, UT, 2001-2005
2010 - present
2010 - present
Master Classes Taught
Idaho State University - Pocatello, Idaho, April 2021
National Flute Association Convention, Salt Lake City, UT, 2019
Southern Utah University - Cedar City, Utah, 2018
Southern Utah University - Cedar City, Utah, 2017
Western State College of Colorado - Gunnison, CO, 2012
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, April 2011
Music Teachers National Association, 2021
Tips and Tricks for Band Directors. How to Fix Common Flute Problems - Nevada State Convention
Music Teachers National Association, 2019
Tips and Tricks for Effective Practicing - Nevada State Convention
Salt Lake Chamber Society, Imani Winds Pre-Concert Lecture, 2017
String Quartets vs. Woodwind Quintets
Sigma Alpha Iota, Province Day, 2014
Lecture and Recital Franck Sonata
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2011
Effective Methods of Practicing
St Louis Flute Society - Flute Day, 2009
Avant-garde flute music
Tuachan Center of the Arts, Ivins, Utah
Count of Monte Cristo - 2021 Peter Pan - 2016
Beauty and the Beast - 2015 Mary Poppins - 2015
Little Mermaid - 2015 and 2013
Utah Shakespeare Festival, Cedar City, Utah
Mary Poppins - 2016 South Pacific - 2015
Into the Woods - 2014 Les Misérables - 2012
Concerto Soloist
Bach Brandenburg Project, Kayenta, Utah (April 2022)
Brandenburg Concerto 2 and 5
National Flute Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 2019
Hora Staccato, For Two Flutes and Flute Choir
Early New Music Festival, Dixie State University, April 2017
Brandenburg Concerto 5
Glenn Webb Senior Recital, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, March 2012
First Concerto for Flute and Percussion, Low Harrison
University of Utah, Runnin FlUtes Flute Choir Concert, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 2005
Hungarian Pastorale Fantasie, Franz Doppler
Riverton High School Band, Riverton, Utah, May 2000
Carnival of Venice for Flute and Orchestra
Nevada Chamber Orchestra – Flute/Piccolo, Las Vegas Nevada, 2019-2020
Principal Flute – Southwest Symphony Orchestra, St. George, Utah, 2011-2018
Substitute Flute and Piccolo – Southwests Symphony Orchestra, St. George, Utah, 2018-Present
Substitute Flute and Piccolo – Orchestra of Southern Utah, Cedar City, Utah, 2011-Present
Substitute Flute and Piccolo – Lincoln Symphony Orchestra, Lincoln, Nebraska, 2009-2012
Principal Flute – Sandy City Orchestra, Sandy City, Utah, 2004-2005
Piccolo/Flute III – Sandy City Orchestra, Sandy City, Utah, 2003
Chamber Music Experience
Guest Artist Southern Utah University, 2021
Tarantella for Flute, Clarinet and Piano by Saint-Saens
Spain for Flute, Soprano and Piano by Chick Corea
Woodwind Day - Dixie State University, 2021
Spain for Flute, Soprano and Piano by Chick Corea
Grand Circle New Music Series, Dixie State University, 2015, 2017
Vox Balanae (Voice of the Whale) George Crumb and Call of the Messenger by Jason Heath
Recital - Dixie State University, and Colombus, Ohio, 2017
Fantasie on Hungarian Motives, 2 Flutes and Piano
Faculty Woodwind Quintet from Dixie State University, 2011-Present
Barger Duo (Flute and Clarinet) Concerts all over the State of Nebraska (2009-2010)
Solo Recitals
Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah, January 2021
Faculty Recitals, Dixie State University, St. George, Utah, 2011-Present
Solo Recital, Dixie State University, St. George Utah, 2011-Present
Grand Circle Concerts, Dixie State University, St. George, Utah, 2015, 2013
Satellite Salon Series, Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah 2015-2013
St. George Tabernacle Recital, St. George, Utah, 2015
Recital - Marysville, Washington, 2013
Faculty Recitals, Doane College, Crete, Nebraska, 2007-2011
Recital, Western State College of Colorado, Gunnison, Colorado, 2012
Recital, Lincoln, Nebraska, 2011
Lecture Recital, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2010
DMA Chamber Recital, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2010
DMA Recital, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2009, 2009, 2008
MM Recital, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2007
BM Recital, University of Utah, 2005, 2004, 2003
Conference Performances and Presentations
Sigma Alpha Iota, Province Day, Las Vegas Nevada, 2021
Musicale Performance, Spain for Flute, Soprano Saxophone, and Piano
Musicale Performance, Prokofiev Sonata for Flute and Piano
Host of Panel Discussion, Recruitment ideas for collegiate and alumni chapters
Music Teacher National Association, Nevada State Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2019
Tips and Tricks for Effective Practicing
Round Robin Table: How to Effectively Communicate with Parents
National Flute Association, The Art of Giving a Masterclass, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2019
National Flute Association, Flute Choir Performance, DSU, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2019
National Flute Association, Flute Choir Performance, Greater Salt Lake City Flute Orchestra,
Salt Lake City, Utah, 2019
National Flute Association, Flute Choir Performance, DSU, San Diego, California, 2017
National Flute Association, Solo Performance, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2012
Three Madrigals for Flute, Alto Flute, and Piccolo
College Music Society, Great Plains Regional Conference, Omaha, Nebraska, 2011
Lecture/Recital: Circling for Flute and Clarinet, David Froom
SCI Regional Convention, University of Oklahoma, Performance, 2009
Saharasa, Jen-Kuang, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Winner, Music Teacher National Association (MTNA), NE State Collegiate Competition, 2008
Alternate Winner, MTNA, Utah State Collegiate Competition, 2002
Alternate Winner, MTNA, Utah State Collegiate Competition, 2001
Masterclass Performances
Conducting Symposium, Dixie State University, St. George, UT, (1 of 4 Participants) November 2020
The Art of Giving a Masterclass, The National Flute Association Convention (1 of 4 participants)
Salt Lake City, UT, 2019
The Now and Present Flute Seminar, Patricia Spencer, (1 of 6 Participants)
Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York
Sigma Alpha Iota
Webmaster, Las Vegas Alumnae Chapter, 2019-Present
Fundraising Chair, Lincoln Alumnae Chapter, 2010-2011
President, Kappa Chapter, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2009-2010
Vice President of Rituals, Kappa Chapter, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2008-2009
Fraternity Education Chairman, Kappa Chapter, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2007-2008
Editor, Kappa Chapter, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2006-2007
Las Vegas Flute Club
Treasurer, Money, and Corporate Sponsorship, 2017-2020
Graduate Musicians' Organization, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Interim Treasurer, 2009
President, 2008-2009
Special Projects Coordinator, 2007-2008
Graduate Student Association, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Vice Chair of Internal Affairs, 2009-2010
Legislative Assembly, 2008-2009
Graduate Committee, School of Music, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Graduate Student Representative for Graduate Committee, 2007-2010
Sigma Alpha Iota Alumnae Professional Development Grant, 2013
Graduate Student Leadership Award, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2010
Preparing Future Faculty Recipient, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2009-2010
Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2008-2010
National Sigma Alpha Iota Summer Travel Scholarship, (1 of 10 recipients), 2009
Miller Scholarship, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Partial Tuition Waiver, 2008-2009
Kappa Chapter Scholarship, Sigma Alpha Iota, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2007-2010
Dean's List, Every Semester Enrolled at the University of Utah, 2000-2005
Finalist in University of Utah's Concerto Competition Competition, 2000-2005
College Music Society
National Flute Association
Sigma Alpha Iota
Pi Kappa Lambda
Las Vegas Flute Club
Available Upon Request
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